At Apple Yarns, we're all about supporting our local fiber community in every way possible. We're proud sponsors of KnittedKnockers.org; offering space, products, and a mailing address to volunteers. Plus a discount on our most popular yarn, Ultra Pima for Knitters. For crocheters we have Ultra Pima Fine.
Introducing Community Days, if you are a nonprofit we'll donate a percentage of our sales to your organization. If you're interested, drop off a request in person, and let's make it happen! It's always a success when we both promote through email, social media, and personal invites.
We take part in multiple events throughout the year where we exchange Apple Yarns discounts for food donations to the Bellingham Food Bank, socks for the homeless, diapers for babies, and school supplies for classrooms in need. We also organized a knitting event for Whatcom Hospice House, which helped raise over $2,000.00. If you have any fundraising ideas, we're all ears, so please don't hesitate to contact us!
Lastly, if you're interested in auction items, just come by in person and make your request. We're honored to be a part of the Fiber and Bellingham, WA community, and we truly believe in giving back. Supporting our community is at the heart of what we do here at Apple Yarns.